S.T.O.P. Taking Our People



Human Trafficking has been an issue that’s seriousness is increasing everyday. Your age, race, and gender does not matter. Despite being one of the most rapidly growing businesses in criminal world, human trafficking does not receive nearly enough attention as it deserves. People are taken from their homes and livlihood everyday to become another's possesion. Without undermining the fact that anyone can be taken, statistically show people of color are more at risk since the majority of victims in the trafficking circle are colored.


As defined in the Oxford English Dictionary, human trafficking is “the action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labour or commercial sexual exploitation”. Victims have their rights forcefully taken from them and practically become objects for people to buy and use. A common misconception about human trafficking is that only children are taken. Anyone despite their age, race, gender, sexuality, etc., is at risk. Awareness on the matter is necessary so people can not only be prepared to protect themselves but take notice of someone who might be suffering.

Recognize the Signs

If you spot these signs, do not immediately assume one is being trafficked. Call the proper authorities if you have seen legitimate reason to be suspicious of another.

Sex Trafficking

  • If a child is involved with trafficking then it is possible they can be dressed in a sexulaized way if they are of those who are sexually exploited(CNN).

  • If one suddenly attains a new partner that is significantly older and involves the im with new friends that live in a different type of way (Shared Hope).

  • A victim's pimp will commonly put up a front as a boyfriend and 'give' expensive gifts, when, in actuality, they're payment for sex (Shared Hope).

Labor Trafficking

  • At airports, victims usually aren’t properly dressed for whichever location they are travelling and have few personal items(CNN).

  • If people try to direct a conversation away from them or can’t provide specific details about themselves, it is possible that person could have been victimized (CNN).

  • People who are trafficked commonly are “fearful, anxious, depressed, submissive, tense, or nervous/paranoid” (Polaris Project).



A map of D.C. divided into districts shaded the darkest based off of where most trafficking is.